Teen Plays available from Jason D. Martin
Synopsis: This full-length zombie play in one-act explores conformity in
both high school and in society.  Inspired by Eugene Ionesco's
Rhinoceros, this darkly comic play follows a small group of teenagers as
their school slowly becomes overrun by zombies.   This is a great piece
for an innovative teenage cast.  Click
here and here for monologue
samples from the play.

Production History: This play has not yet been produced.

Production Requirements:  This piece can be done with a simple set in
a black box or on a stage.  The piece requires at least six teenage girls
and at least six teenage boys.  More performers could easily be added.  
This play is available for

Speaking Chick
Synopsis: This is a one-act play about geeky teenage boys doing what
geeky teenage boys do:  Attempting to pick up teenage girls.  Of course,
being geeky teenage boys their tactics are...  Well, geeky.  Teenage Ed
convinces teenage Mich that girls have a secret language.  When Mitch
tries to use the language, comic chaos ensues. Click
here for a dialogue
sample from this play.

Production History: This play was first produced at Blanchet High
School in Seattle, Washington during the winter of 2001.

Production Requirements: This play can be done with two teenage
boys and two teenage girls if there is doubling.  If there is no doubling, it
can be done with four girls and two boys.  There are no significant set
requirements.  This Teen Play is available for
purchase  together with
Stuffed Animals and Wishful Thinking.

Stuffed Animals
Synopsis: In this ten-minute play, an unpopular teenage boy attempts
to comfort a pregnant teenage girl.  It is a heartfelt look at class and
social strata in the High School world.

Production History: This play was first produced in Romania in 2003.

Production Requirements: This play requires three teenage girls
and one teenage boy.  There are no specific set requirements.  This
Teen Play is available for
purchase  together with Speaking Chick and
Wishful Thinking.

Wishful Thinking
Synopsis: In this one-act play, a nerdy teenage boy discovers he can
control the actions of his classmates.  Though this is a comic piece it
explores the difficult moral world of teenage fantasy.  This extremely funny
piece is a joy to perform, but also a wonderful play for a teacher to use as
a launching point for numerous classroom discussions.

Production History: This play was first produced in 2003 at City High
School in Iowa City, Iowa.

Production Requirements: This play requires four male actors and
four actresses.  One may easily add other students to the mix.   This
Teen Play is available for
purchase  together with Speaking Chick and
Stuffed Animals.

When it Rains Gasoline
Synopsis: This is a full-length play in one act about teenagers hanging
out, holding up, getting down, and falling through. It is a harsh play that
looks at the harsh reality of teenage life in today's schools.  This is
not a
play for conservative programs.  Click
here for a sample monologue from
the play.

Production History: This play was first produced at an English
Language Festival in Timisora, Romania in 2002.

Production Requirements: This play can be done with twelve
teenage actors playing multiple roles, or it can be done with up to
eighteen teenagers. This play is available for